Arrivals and departures
The work continues
By Chrys Saget-Richard The end of my summer internship at Equitas provided me with many invaluable personal and professional lessons. First off, I...
September 10, 2021
Neutral Conceptions of Disability Law
By Isabel Baltzan As my internship with the the Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos at the PUCP in Lima and the course...
August 31, 2021
Travels Following Chisasibi
By Tim Parr August 4th, 2021. My time in Chisasibi came to an end after a week. Mid-afternoon, I was back on a...
August 31, 2021
Some Thoughts On Gladue
By Tim Parr July 28th, 2021. After working from home for the duration of the pandemic, I received last minute confirmation that I...
July 31, 2021
Working Remotely for the Yukon Human Rights Commission: the Saga Continues
By Mathew Yaworski Unfortunately, my time with the Yukon Human Rights Commission (YHRC) is coming to an end. My placement ends after July...
July 21, 2021
Human Rights – A Resilient Cause
By Andrea Salguero As states around the world have moved to adopt the strictest of public health measures in the face of an...
November 8, 2020
Réalisations post-stage
Par Sandrine Royer Ces derniers jours ont été teintées de réflexions au sujet du stage complété cet été auprès de l’IDEHPUCP. L’horaire incroyablement...
September 30, 2020
On Pandemics, and Changing Course
By Kayla Maria Rolland “How would you respond to unforeseen challenges during your internship?” On my application I submitted to the IHRIP program...
August 11, 2020
Tensions between the inherent right to self governance and laws around jurisdiction
By: Larissa Parker In July, the Minister of Justice, David Lametti, came to visit Akwesasne. He met with the Chiefs of the community...
October 1, 2019
What We Take for Granted…
By Leila Alfaro July 22nd, 2019 This is my last week in Mar del Plata. The last month has been tough for my...
September 12, 2019
Trauma and the Practice of Human Rights Law
By Brittni Tee In the early weeks of my internship at the Yukon Human Rights Commission, I attended a seminar focused on strategies...
September 3, 2019
A Summer of Luck
By Curtis Mesher While it has been difficult for me to sit down and write out blog posts during this summer, this should...
August 27, 2019