Arrivals and departures
Content writing for the Maritime Security Index and research on the maritime activities of terrorist organizations
By Derek Pace With less than one week left in Colorado, I’m still astounded at how much I’ve learned in just a few...
August 21, 2019
Gladue as Restorative Justice
By Christopher Little When first arriving in Nemaska, a small community of 760 persons in Northern Quebec one sees a community that looks...
August 11, 2019
Passage à l’ACLC et Toronto en quelques mots
Par Caroline Rouleau Déjà neuf semaines de stage se sont écoulées à l’Association canadienne des libertés civiles (ACLC). Comme le temps file! Plus...
August 10, 2019
Working in Human Rights isn’t all about Law
Par Félix-Antoine Pelletier « The journey is sometimes more important than the destination. » Laissez-moi vous raconter comment je suis arrivé au Conseil...
August 6, 2019
Canada and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
By Kelly O’Connor On May 8th I flew to San José, Costa Rica to start my internship at the Inter-American Court of Human...
May 28, 2019
On Being a Human Rights Intern
By Daniel Powell When a bright-eyed colleague of mine asked me why I had decided to spend a summer pent up in the...
October 2, 2018
On being “American”
By Sara Gold My last day in San José, Costa Rica – September 8, 2018 “Along the way we have even lost the...
September 10, 2018
Pour conclure…
Par Guillaume Lebrun Petel J’aimerais conclure ma contribution au McGill International Human Rights Internship Blog par une courte réflexion sur ma première expérience...
September 3, 2018
La Saskatchewan, un mois plus tard
Par Rose Adams J’ai rédigé mon dernier billet de l’appartement que je louais à Saskatoon. Ça me fait drôle, maintenant, de retour à...
August 30, 2018
Green and Blue Bandanas
By Francesca Nardi I am writing this as my summer in Argentina starts to come to a close. This week is significant not...
August 8, 2018
Final Days, Final Thoughts
By Caroline Schurman Grenier As my internship comes to an end, I have so much to say yet I am struggling to put...
August 2, 2018
Abortion Laws and Blue Tape
By Catherine Labasi-Sammartino During my last month interning at the Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), I focused on access to...
July 18, 2018